Thursday, August 6, 2009


Congrats to Sonia Sotomayor who just got confirmed by the senate to be a Supreme Court Justice! Now let's see what the "Wise Latina" can/will do.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ny times: symbol of unhealed congo

This article makes me cry inside some more. Male rape victims in the disaster zone that is the Congo are increasing. And honestly, as hard as it is for women to admit being raped, it's just as hard and probably harder for men to admit it and recover from it. If you read the stories in the article all I can get from them is sadness. One doctor writes, referencing the likelihood that Rwanda is maintaining the peace by shoving all the violence next door, "shouldn't the world feel guilty about what's happening in Congo today?" Well, I know I do, but there seems little that I can do about it. More people die there every day (probably every hour) than die in those plane crashes that get sensationalized in our headline news. But what is being done to stop it? What can be done? It seems a political solution is indeed in order but who will help bring it about? I feel helpless and disheartened and can only hope that sometime down the line I will have learned a way to do more than just write.

via nytimes