Saturday, May 30, 2009

Men in Power?,0,4707353.story?page=1

If you read this, it's a little ridiculous. Ok, lies. In my opinion, it's a lot ridiculous. Do people really believe that the world needs to be more focused on men? As if it's not focused enough. I'm not saying that reverse sexism doesn't exist, it does, but that's not their main argument for why this student group "Men in Power" should exist. There's a reason why more money is devoted to women's issues - because they are farther behind - who's been able to vote for longer? who do we study in history class? who heads most companies? You just can't tell me that the answer to these questions is women. If you want to learn about people in power, why limit it to just men? Feminists aren't telling you to only study the women in power. We're just suggesting that you take into consideration the fact that there is a gender disparity in CEOs and the like. The founder writes that he "hopes Men in Power will help more men get ahead while raising awareness of the male experience." Really? Really? Let's talk about making the world more equal. Men and women together, no more of this separation nonsense.

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